April 6, 2012

March 29: Smoothies

Luci loves fruit and loves smoothies, so there is nothing better to her than the rare breakfast when I get the blender out and actually make them. This time all we had was some frozen blueberries, but she loved it anyway!

I don't know why I can't turn my pictures sometimes...It's difficult when I only take 1 picture some days. So until I figure it out, you're stuck with sideways or upside down!

March 28: Pictures

Just some cute pictures of my smiley, finally healthy little boy!

March 27: Stuck

Here's proof that Sullivan really does roll everywhere. Several times in the last week or so he has made it under his baby Einstein jumper. He gets there and tries to reach anything to play with.

March 29, 2012

March 26: Nana's here

Nana has Spring Break this week so she spend Sunday night/Monday morning with us. She always encourages picture taking, or takes pictures and then gives them to me. Since it was such a rainy, cold day we just played in the house, doing some coloring and preschool work.

March 25: Crabby Baby

It was a week ago that Sullivan had his ears checked and we found out he had an ear infection. He was sleeping horribly again, so I figured we'd get them checked again, just to be sure that the infection was gone. It turns out it is cleared up, but he is teething. The doctor said that it could be 1-2 months before the teeth actually appear, so we're trying to keep the little guy comfortable.

When Luci was at the end of teething, I read about amber necklaces helping relieve pain, so I got one. It was hard to tell if it helped, since she was a pretty easy teether. I remembered to get it out for Sullivan, and I really do think it helps, and we're using much less tylenol.

March 24: 5 months!

I can NOT believe how fast each month goes by. I feel like I was just posting pictures of Sullivan at 4 months. At 5 months he is roughly 16 1/2 pounds, he rolls everywhere, he is working on his first 2 teeth, and he LOVES to jump!

March 23: Cutie on a swing

Sullivan is enjoying our warmer weather too! He even likes to ride in the swing outside.

March 22: Playing at home

Not much to say, we've just been busy playing, playing, playing often spending 2-3 hours outside each day. The girls fight so much less when they have space to run and play and we aren't crowded in the basement.

March 21: We LOVE when Morgan comes to visit!

The girls have so much fun together!

March 22, 2012

March 20: A comparison

Here is a comparison of Luci and Sullivan at roughly the same age!

March 18: Ear ache

Sullivan has been sleeping wonderfully lately! We took away his pacifier because he was so attached and wouldn't sleep at night when he lost it, and now, without it, he is a great sleeper! Then Saturday night he was up screaming every 2 hours. Feeding him didn't soothe him, rocking didn't help, and he was miserable! My happy boy was just not the same. I found an urgent care that is open on Sundays and spent 2 1/2 hours waiting with him. It turns out he had a double ear infection. With some antibiotics and baby advil, he is a much happier baby!

March 17: No picture

Aaron's brother, Caleb, was visiting and I completely forgot a picture. Sorry!

March 16: First Food

We decided to give solids a try with Sullivan last weekend. Aaron and I made some squash and sweet potatoes, so that is what we tried first. He seemed to like it off of my finger, but was more interested in playing with the spoon than putting it in his mouth. To date, I think he's eaten a total of maybe 6 spoonfuls of either squash or avocado.

March 20, 2012

March 15: Easter Egg Counting

The girls needed something to do and I decided to make them a number recognition game. I decorated some Easter Eggs and wrote the numbers 1-10 on them. We played various games such as giving each girl some eggs and then lining them up in order and doing an Easter Egg Hunt where the girls searched for the egg I asked for.

March 19, 2012

March 14: Jammies

Luci has a hard time getting up and dressed in the morning, usually begging to stay in her pjs most of the morning. Since the mornings are so hectic with daycare girls arriving at different times, trying to get breakfast ready, Sullivan fed, and down for his morning nap I really like to have her dressed before the girls arrive. But once and a while they can spend the day in their jammies!

                                 Sorry for the upside-down baby...it won't flip. I'll try again later!

March 13: Spring has Sprung

We have really been enjoying the beautiful weather we've had lately. Our play area has more than doubled now that we can go in the backyard! Sullivan even enjoyed the swing, giggling and smiling the entire time.

March 12: Rolly Polly

He started in the middle of the blanket

Sullivan has perfected the roll--from tummy to back and back to tummy. And he is fast! If I leave the room for more than 30 seconds, he is in a different location than when I left. He gets a bit frustrated when he rolls into something and can't continue in the direction he'd like!

March 11: Cheap art continued

This is Luci's picture of flowers, grass, the sun, and a tree.

March 10: Cheap art

I mentioned that Luci has been more and more interested in drawing lately so to encourage her to draw new things, we'll draw together and I ask her to draw something that I've done on my paper, letting her use it as an example. Then I decided to use my sister's great idea of framing this art and I will eventually hang it in the play room. This is our family.

March 14, 2012

March 9: Girly Girl

Luci is one of the girliest little girls I know. She loves to wear "twirly" dresses and skirts, she prefers tights to socks (crazy!), she loves to dance and play dress up, and she likes to have pretty things in her hair. Recently my mom made the girls a bunch of hair clips with flowers, buttons, and even ballet shoes on them. The day she got them she wore ALL of them in her hair ALL day!

March 8: Bike

Luci outgrew her bike from last year. We gave that one to Morgan (and she loves it!) and Luci got a new, bigger bike. We brought her with to the store and she had fun riding inside to try it out. She even wanted to go for a bike ride that night, but we didn't get done with dinner until 6:30 and it was dark by then. So we had to wait until the following, very chilly evening to test it out on the road.

March 7: Too Cold!

We haven't officially started feeding Sullivan solids yet, but sometimes during lunch I will give him the mesh feeding thing (sorry, I don't know what it's called) with ice cubes in it. He thought it was fun to chew on the handle, but didn't want anything to do with the cold ice. I have also put some teething rings in the fridge and then given them to him, and he wants nothing to do with them. He's a baby who is used to everything being warm--his bottles, his bath, his body, and his toys.

March 7, 2012

March 6: Big Boy

Since Sullivan had been sick and waking several times each night, we've kept him in the pack and play in our room to sleep. Then I noticed that the weight limit for the infant bassinet part is 15 lbs.--I guess he's too big already! The decision was made that it's time for him to move to his own room--for good. I'm happy he will finally be using the new crib that's been set up since we got it in July!

March 5: All Aboard!

One idea out of my new "Dramatic Play" book is to play "train." We made pretend money, train tickets, a train, and books to go along with this theme. While riding on the train we played I Spy to talk about what we would see out a train window.

March 4: Friends

Sunday brought with it some shopping, relaxing, golfing, and friends for dinner. Joe, Jinger, Annie, and Bobby joined us and the girls had a great time playing (after, of course, Annie made it clear to Aaron who her Mommy and Daddy were).

March 3: Training

On Saturday I had to spend 6 hours at a training to keep my daycare license. Normally, I would scoff at  the idea of spending a precious Saturday stuck at class, but to put it in perspective, I thought about how there would be no children, I wouldn't have to make breakfast or lunch, and I wouldn't have to argue with anyone about getting dressed, etc. all day. Plus, we had a really great presenter so it turned out to be a great day.

I purchased this book and it is full of activities that are simple enough to do with all the girls. You'll be seeing some examples I'm sure!

March 2: Letters

Lately Luci has been very interested in writing and drawing. I've been encouraging her to use this interest to learn to write her letters. She knows about half of the letters and is practicing the rest. She is getting very good with her crayons and colored pencils and draws us pictures of our family, trees, flowers, the sun, and her hand.

March 6, 2012

March 1: Cutie Pie

Not much explanation, just a happy little boy!

February 29: Lent

For Lent this year, Aaron and I have been saying the Rosary together each night. I am striving to really reflect on the mysteries, rather than just spend the time worrying about my day and thinking of all of the things I need to do. The Annunciation is one of my favorite mysteries to focus on, because it's easy to think about Mary, as I am a mother like she was. I wonder how hard it must have been to say yes to God, and how it must have been even harder to continue following his will when part of his plan was to sacrifice her only Son. This makes it easy for me to say "yes" to the little things and sacrifice in small ways for my children and my family.

March 2, 2012

February 28: Sullivan's Stats

Sullivan had his 4 month Dr. appointment on Tuesday and here is how he's measuring:

weight: 15 lbs. 5 oz. (75%)

length: 26 in. (90%)

head circumference: 15 3/4 (15%)

He's a healthy boy!

February 27: Baking with Luci

I like to bake. I am not very good at it, sometimes my things don't turn out, and I don't find much time, but I really do like it. Aaron took Sullivan with to run some errands, leaving Luci and me with some time to ourselves. We decided to take advantage and bake muffins for breakfast the next morning. They were apple/cinnamon muffins which turned out tasting fine, but dry. I need to make it a point to bake more often because Luci really likes it, and it is nice to have something different to eat around the house.

March 1, 2012

February 26: Up close and personal with Luci

What is your favorite toy to play with:  art supplies

What is your favorite color:  pink

What is your favorite thing to have for lunch:  heart shaped peanut butter and nutella sandwiches

What is your favorite book to read:  "Tallullah's Tutu"

What is your favorite movie:  "Tangled"

Who are your best friends:  Ava, Ruby, Morgan 

If you could go anywhere today, where would you go:  to the park

February 29, 2012

February 25: Pirates

Thanks for the picture Taryn! We visited Paul, Taryn, Max, and Lucian on Saturday for lunch. This was one of the first times Max and Luci really played together, and I don't mean just side-by-side playing the same thing, but they were interacting with each other, pretending to be pirates. Pirates are commonplace in Max's life, and he taught Luci a thing or two, such as swording, common lingo like "arghh," and how to make a simple cardboard box into a pirate ship.

February 24: Sullivan is 4 months old!

I can't believe my baby is 4 months old already! He is growing like a weed! Here is some of what he's been up to:

  • grabbing toys, clothes, hair, table cloths, plates, bowls, anything!
  • rolling, rolling, rolling--if put on his back, he immediately flips to his tummy within seconds
  • napping like a champ
  • wiggling grunting all night long
  • smiling and silently giggling (he really wants to giggle, it just doesn't come out with sound)

February 23: still sick...

Enjoy a picture!

February 22: Sick baby

I apologize for the lack of updating/posting daily. Sullivan has had a nasty cough/cold. He's had this bug for 4 weeks (that is 1/4 of his young life)! Enjoy a sleeping baby picture!

February 28, 2012

February 21: Are you hungry?

Another of the girls' favorite things to do is play with our play food. When we get this box out, we end up with food spread from one corner of the basement to the other and the kids make me cookies, pizza, fruits and vegetables.

February 20: Going for a walk

We took advantage of the warm temperatures and let Sullivan experience his first outdoor stroller ride (only in Minnesota will a parent take their 3 1/2 month old for a walk when it is about 38 degrees in February). We only made it around one block, but it gave the kids some fresh air and me a little bit of a walk, which has been hard to come by since Sullivan was born.

February 19: Zoo

Because we have a pass to the zoo, it is always fun to take advantage and spend a morning there. This time we went with Nana, Laura, and Morgan. The girls loved the tide pool, jumping out of the way when the waves came. They also enjoyed running on the path outside--they didn't do much animal watching, but got some exercise.

February 18, 2012

February 18: Other cousins

We had girl's weekend this weekend. Aaron was out of town helping his Dad and brother finish his parent's basement, so my Mom, Laura, and Morgan came to spend the weekend with us. On Saturday we had bagels at Panera, headed to the Eden Prairie Mall to burn off some energy, and then went to Mass. We enjoyed a dinner out and then did some art and dancing with the girls. I love time spent with the girls, letting the kids play, and talking to adults.

February 17: Cousins

Morgan is the sweetest big cousin to Sullivan. She talks to him in a sweet baby voice and he just stares at her with smiles. She is constantly trying to help him and wants to hold him all the time. She'll make a great big sister someday!

February 16: Smile!

I have finally managed to capture some smiles on camera from Sullivan. He's the happiest little boy and will smile at anyone who will talk to him, but he's camera shy and looks at the camera with an inquisitive glare.

February 15: Happy Valentine's Day (again)

Wednesday we had our Valentine Party! The girls each had a head band to wear, we decorated Valentine bags, made heart sponge paintings, and passed out Valentine cards and treats. The girls had a blast! Luci especially liked sponge painting and it was made even easier because I put a clothespin on top so the mess was minimal. We've even painted again since.